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However, if you're trying to submit work for an open submission period, we have a page for that too!



Author and artist K.M. Miller is the executive Director and Editor-In-Chief of Panorame Press. She started the press in January of 2023 as a one-man operation, but has plans to grow Panorame Press and is proud of its accomplishments as an organization so far.


Miller has previous publications in Brookdale Community College’s 52nd Edition of the award-winning Frame Magazine, and was named as the Featured Author for the 2022 publication for her short story, A Witch at The Door. 


Cinnamone Winchester is a multi-genre writer, hobby photographer, and the Content Editor of Panorame Press. She primarily operates on Ngunnawal and Ngambri land, and has been previously published in Chestnut Review, the ANU Undergraduate Research Journal, and All Existing Magazine, among others. Cinnamone holds a First-Class Honours degree in English from the Australian National University, where she previously served as the Editor-in-Chief of Bossy
Magazine and introduced intersectionality to the publication’s mission
statement. For her analysis of postcolonial and queer utopia in The Chronicles of Narnia, she received the 2022 Gender Institute Prize for Excellence in Gender and Sexuality Research—and when she isn’t thinking about Narnia, her interests include terrible horror games and magpie whispering. Find her on Twitter @ciniswriting

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